Give us feedback!

Name (not required)

Company (not required)

I was

Our stand location

Fill in the answers to the questions below on a scale of 5-1 (excellent - poor), or 0 if you cannot say or the question is not applicable in your case.

Job applications and applicants

Contacts during the event

How satisfied were you with the candidates

For a permanent job

For thesis work or similar

For traineeships

Summer job

Fill in the answers to the questions below on a scale of 5-1 (excellent - poor), or 0 if you cannot say or the question is not applicable in your case.

Arrangements of the event

Services before the event


Services during the event


General impression of exhibition area

Rented stand constructions

Coat check service

Information materials

Fill in the answers to the questions below on a scale of 5-1 (excellent - poor), or 0 if you cannot say or the question is not applicable in your case.

The importance of information channels

Pesti web pages

Social media


Estimated amount of visitors in your stand:

Estimated amount of persons hired on basis of the event (optional):

Permanent employees:

Thesis workers or similar:


Summer jobs

Please feel free to comment or add any ideas you feel would benefit the event: